Can A Person Be Depressed And Not Know It?

By Brendan Walsh

From a young age we plan our lives as much as we can. Though we think we are in control we soon learn that life can throw a curveball.

We find ourselves in situations or circumstances that we could not have imagined. Life hurts.

Regardless of how strong we are – something always challenges our strength. We become aware of our limitations emotionally.

How many reading this can recall when they have been broken.

It brings a kind of solitude, as well as loneliness and isolation.

A place where life around us appears to be normal, yet we feel outside of it. It is painful to be there.

Is there hope? Yes, to be honest I believe there is. We speak about God and certainly God establishes us in hope. It is the time between that is so painful. That lonely searching time.

People were created to interact. In this present world we see lots of interaction, much of it on the surface. I think that can be very confusing to lonely and sensitive hearts. Alone amongst the crowd.

We can never underestimate the sensitivity of a lonely person. They are aware of what is sincere and what is not.

Mental health is so neglected. So many die because they feel empty, unloved and unlovable.

In saying this God provides a way if one is blessed enough to find that direction.

Today though my heart is with those who do not.

I wish them strength. They need to know that they are worth loving and life is worth living.

Perhaps we could pray for them and in some way identify and reach out to them – even with a smile. It might for a moment pour a little light into the dark place they find they are in.

Is it easier to love or ignore? For the health of mind – I think it is easier to love the broken. To ignore them is to be selfish. When people die by their own hand – our response is always – if we only knew.
